In the middle of the uncertain economy fluctuation, there is no one to guard. One way to apply the pattern of living sparingly. What can mothers do?
1. Create a list of the menu in advance.
Create a list of menu food for one week in advance. This way, you know what will / should be purchased, purchase as needed. The menu list can also adjusted to the goods being sold at cheaper prices. Supermarkets usually issued leaflets such, eh?
2. Avoiding Cooking In Large portion.
When you buy over-the food inedible and finally wasted, you are not saving. Instead, what you buy is all useless. Store the food that you have and separate it in plastic boxes in the freezer. Heat the food in accordance with the number of people will going to eat.
3. Make a List Before Going shopping.
Encouraged to buy goods that are not needed can be harmful to your funds savings strategy. Do not forget to check with other family members, what they need so that you can buy it at once. When you have discounts for items you normally use, buy and save.
4. Do not be tricked by Cheap Prices.
Be careful, do not usually easy to tempted because the price has been raised before and merged with the bonus as other goods and sold at cheaper prices. Compare the first store in the other so you are sure, these goods are really cheap.
5. Take advantage of the coupon.
Discount coupons or a shred of paper in newspapers / leaflets, harmless to use. Thus this can save you spending money.
6. Do not Bring Children.
Try going shopping without bringing the children and the hours that are not busy. So, you do not need to hurry and can choose the good. Children tend to ask for this so you will miss from the shopping list. For certain reasons, never shopping at the time you're hungry.
7. Joint Purchasing
If you have goods that need to be sold cheap, but in a large number, check on relatives or friends to buy together and share. You can still buy the cheaper price without useless.
8. Eliminate Shopping Habits In One Place.
Do not be lazy to spend in more than one store. Usually a shop will not sell all the goods with cheap price at the same time. A shop could be on a time to sell the meat with a cheaper price, while shop B sell the canned food with cheap price. Shopping in one place does not mean you will spend more sparingly.
9. Avoid Fast food / Drink.
Indeed correct, your time will be longer for cooking process itself. However you cook the dish more healthy and live more sparingly. Do not forget to always provide fruits and vegetables fresh. Avoid instant juice and make a fresh juice drink as often as possible. This will save you expense.
10. Save & see Shopping bill.
Check again your shopping bill. Sometimes the cashier accidentally make a mistake that can hurt you. If you are still around in the shop / supernarket, you can immediately ask for it and have corrected.
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