Combatants, debtor or a gambler person are you? No, this is not intended to give a bad stigma. By knowing the type, you can find out how money can help your life.
In the book Master Your Money Type, Jordan E. Goodman, The American's Money Man said, "Everyone has kind of 'financial personality'. This is the style you handle money, which reflects the feelings, from the deepest fear to the largest desire."
To help you find the feeling, know first what type of personality your finances. Please select a suitable and search solutions.
You are Ostrich IF ... Intimidated and confused by money. You can only have a dream business, but choosing the sink (like ostrich), if talk of money problems. Not mean that your financial pains. Only your head is too hard to think of other things better than money.
The main problem: late save money. When conscious, many things that you need to chase each other.
Challenges: Stop the shame because it is ignorance. Start your financial control.
Solution: Debit Management suitable for you. Debit to pay the bill, will make you spend more planned. If necessary, create a standing instruction to the costumer service of your bank, for the direct transfer of salary to your saving accounts.
Spirit sentence: If you are not able to believe, then you will not be able. Believe that you can.
You are combatant IF... Your status is "searcher". You collect a lot of happy things (including branded goods) and show it off. However, the status of this issue make you more money and in debt upon.
The main problem: Cash flow is poor. Does not go bankrupt, only the future can be bleak because credit card debt and forget saving / investment.
Challenges: "Place the saddle" and be prepared to balance the income with expenditure.
Solution: Choose "good stuffs" the most suitable to you. Regardless of other lyrics. Make sure that "good stuffs" includes insurance, payments on the facilities that you need to gift.
Spirit sentence: Self Esteem is the best gift for yourself.
You are Debtor IF... Extravagant but you do not want to confess. Despite your desperate with this situation, you need help circumvent.
The main problem: "slip". Slowly you fall more in the debt. You often take a new loan to pay off old loans.
Challenges: Relying income to remove you from the various loans and avoid bankruptcy.
Solution: Do not ignore this problem. Creditors face, no matter hard they emphasize to pay all your debts. Ask to reschedule debt with lower interest and repayments light.
Spirit sentence: Just let go the past. You can not change it and turn back time.
You are squirrel IF... Continue to save, like the voucher and a dime in order to balance the expenditure and income. Good help, but fear will lose money even to make you miserable.
The main problem: Money is only "still" not long-lived. Inflation continues to run and "quiet money" will not give anything.
The challenge: Do not rely on the money.
Solution: You are patient, collect the money. However, save in one "basket" will not make you rich. Share your basket to another (eg, investment) if you want to get more.
Spirit sentence: Money saved dime, will not be much. Use a little, yet it is also your own.
You are Launcher IF... Focus on settleness. You drive a lot of money on life insurance to pension funds. However, this will be the satisfaction you feel later.
The main problem: too over you invest for the future. In fact, you have the ambition that you fear to achieve.
Challenges: Use this basic settleness to achieve higher goals.
Solution: Try to share some numbers for other investments that can be enjoyed a short-term or medium, eg, savings, deposits or mutual funds.
Spirit sentence: Its time to realizing the dream with your money.
You are Gambler IF... Bet you're happy, but not at a casino in the high-risk investment. You fully believe in themselves, feel smarter, faster, stronger and more instinct.
The main problem: Money and emotional way to invest simultaneously. You want to show everyone that you have the ability.
Challenges: Putting all the money in the "front line" is not a wise strategy.
Solution: Save money first to ensure the continuance of your life now and the future. After that, pursue a new ambition to invest.
Spirit sentence: Opportunities are everywhere, but you can not always win it.